
The Tri-force of Red Flags: League of Legends, Valorant, and Genshin Impact

Submitted by Michelle Ewton

     When you think of someone who plays video games League of Legends, Valorant, and Genshin Impact, what do you think? It should be a red flag. If they play one or two of these games, then it’s fine. Yellow flag, maybe green flag. If someone plays all three then proceed with caution, or if you want to play it safe, keep away. As someone who has played all three of these games, I can attest to this. 

     Let’s start with maybe the least offensive on this list of games, Genshin Impact. Honestly it’s not a bad game at all. On the contrary, Genshin Impact is a fun game with beautiful graphics and detailed characters. So much thought has been put into the lore and updating the game so it can stay alive without getting boring (if you pace yourself). The only horrible part of the game is the gacha mechanic. How they play this part of the game is important and can tell you a lot about a person. If they are free-to-play, never spend a dime on the game, then green flag. They are playing the game casually and are in it for the pretty characters and fun gameplay. If they are a dolphin and spend just a couple of dollars infrequently then they are a yellow flag. They just want to support the game developers, keeping the game alive, letting people who do not have the ability to pay for the game to still play for free. Maybe they spend a little money, but they’re not breaking the bank. If they are a whale, spending over a hundred dollars every update then that’s a massive red flag. They’re probably financially irresponsible, spending more than they can afford to on 2D waifus and husbandos. Run away, and make sure you have your wallet.

     Valorant, a first person tactical hero shooter that blew up when it first came out. People who play this game have a huge yet fragile ego. If the team is losing it’s not their fault, it’s all their team’s fault. They played flawlessly, even if they hadn’t gotten a kill in five rounds. If they’re a cis male then they’re probably misogynistic, but try to hide it when not in game. Be especially careful if they only play Reyna or insta-locks Jett. They think that they are the most important person on the team and they can 1v9 carry the game. BUT if they’re a female Valorant player then green flag, they are a girlboss. Honestly, probably a neon green flag because they must be so sure of themself and confident in their gameplay. You’ve got to be headstrong if you’re a female/have a feminine voice and play in games without a five stack. Men can be so brutal when hearing a female voice in-game. Mad respect. It’s also less of a red flag if they only play swift play or team deathmatch. They just want to have fun, and this is how they wind down.

     Now let’s talk about League of Legends, the worst offender on this list. An old school classic that will never die, no matter how much you hope that it does. If they play this game then they’re more toxic than cyanide. This is especially true if they play ranked games. League of Legends players are experts in wordplay and can make you rage quit in a single sentence or less. Run in the other direction of League of Legends players, it’s for your own mental health. There is an exception though. If they like to play the ARAM game mode then they’re a good and chill person. Honestly a green flag. They just want to have fun and most likely won’t make you feel less than human and a waste of resources after a conversation. Avoid Draven mains though, that’s a bright fluorescent red flag. Also, this is my favorite game on the list.

     In all honesty, this was a joke and not everyone who plays these games are red flags. All games have their faults, and there are so many stereotypes about people who play these games. Not everyone falls into these stereotypes though, and if they do then it’s hard to say if the game brings it out of them or if that’s the person’s legit personality. It can be hard to keep a cool head in competitive games with strangers. Suddenly one person is toxic, and that can ruin your day. So then you get mad at this person who insulted you, do you fight back or just ignore them? You can take the higher ground and mute them, but then it makes it seem like the bully won. The only way to win is to go lower, and so the toxicity cycle starts. The only way to break the cycle is to let it go. Don’t be a red flag, don’t let the game influence your personality. Play games to have fun, and have fun outside of video games. I play all of these games, and these are just some of the issues with gaming that I see every now and then. So maybe playing all these games doesn’t correlate with someone who is a red flag, but maybe keep an eye out in general.

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