
Anime Food I Would Eat

Submitted by Kayla Yap

If you watch a lot of anime, you know that there are a lot of really yummy depictions of food sometimes. So much so that it makes me wanna cook my own versions of the food! Here are some anime foods I would like to eat because of how delicious they look!

Firstly, I wanted to mention the food in Studio Ghibli movies. The first one I would point out is the ramen in the movie Ponyo. There was a scene where Sauske’s mom makes a bowl of hot ramen for Sauske and Ponyo. It is the most delicious ramen bowl I’ve ever seen, with ham and eggs on top and other toppings along with the broth. It just looks so yummy to eat. Another good mention is the bacon and eggs from Howl’s Moving Castle. Somehow, the main character Sophie makes bacon, eggs, and bread look like the most delectable meal! A special mention would be the scene in Spirited Away where Chihiro’s parents are in the town square just ripping into the food. I would eat all of that food, even if it means I would turn into a pig.

The second little subsection of anime food I would eat is honestly anything Sanji made in One Piece. Sanji is the pirate crew’s chef and he has made some incredible dishes. I don’t watch One Piece myself, so I’ve only ever seen clips and pictures of the food. Although, I have seen the live action, and what the food Sanji makes there looks like, but I feel like the anime does his talents more justice. From the few clips and pictures I’ve seen, Sanji has made impressive rice dishes, noodle dishes, vegetable dishes, etc.

In short, there are a lot of foods I would eat in anime, but obviously I couldn’t list everything here. I would say everything I listed is probably the most eye-catching, mouth watering food that I could think of when it comes to anime food.

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