
Why I’m Seeking Justice For Chinese Americans

Submitted by Devin Jiang

Disclaimer: These are my own political opinions, but AAPC as an organization is supporting my bill seeking justice for Chinese Americans. 

My parents left their homes in China to pursue American freedoms, opportunities, and an education at the University of Delaware. 

Here is the American Dream in action. Yet, a nightmare is unfolding for many Chinese Americans today, one that threatens the very same ideals that led my parents across the Pacific Ocean.

Established in the Trump Administration, the China Initiative was created to investigate and prosecute economic espionage and theft of trade secrets. The outcome? Fear of prosecution has driven scientists, researchers, and academics out of the country while creating obstacles for those seeking the American Dream.

“When my sons graduate, we will move to Europe,” a University of Pittsburgh Professor informed me when I visited last year for a Chinese holiday. The threat of punishment, government surveillance, and the danger of jeopardizing a well-established career make leaving a compelling option for many.

Our Constitution guarantees equal protection under the law regardless of race, color, or national origin. However, it appears our founding texts do not apply to national security threats. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology found that just a fourth of defendants charged under the strategy were convicted, and 90% of those prosecuted were of Chinese heritage.

Fortunately, I was able to collaborate with a Delaware state legislator and co-author legislation that condemns racial profiling while promoting greater transparency and accountability in the Justice Department’s prosecutions.

We must pass my Chinese American Racial Profiling legislation through the Delaware State Legislature. Here in Newark, DE, 32% of all Chinese Delawareans reside here, and the University of Delaware employs numerous professors, researchers, and academics of Chinese origin.

We have a responsibility to attract, retain, and include immigrants. Failure to do so will harm the economy and diversity, as well as expose our country to grave national security threats as our finest talent leaves for other countries. 

I hope to see a day when many more migrants can join my parents in their journey across the Pacific in the pursuit of happiness and live a life free from race or national origin-based discrimination.

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