
My Neighbor Totoro, The Cutest Comfort Movie

Submitted by Kayla Yap

As a very big movie person, I have seen many movies in my lifetime, but there are a select few movies that I would call a comfort movie of mine. Out of all the movies I considered to be my comfort movies, I think my favorite one would have to be My Neighbor Totoro. Honestly, I would probably say any Studio Ghibli movie could easily be a comfort movie of mine, but there’s something about the calmness of the movie that gives me that comforting feeling. 

My Neighbor Totoro is a Studio Ghibli movie about two girls, Satsuki and her younger sister Mei, who move to the countryside with their father to be closer with their mother who is ill in a hospital. While exploring their new home, they encounter a large fuzzy creature named Totoro, and the movie follows the girls’ adventures with the newly encountered creatures. What I love most about this movie is that it’s not hard to follow, so it is a nice movie to throw on in the background. There also isn’t that much of a plot, since there’s no true villain in the story, and instead displays a cute array of adventures that the characters go on. It’s a very heartwarming movie about family and adventure that makes it all the more comforting. The visuals are stunning, especially for being released in 1988, and the soundtrack is absolutely beautiful. The main characters are charming and Totoro and the other creatures are absolutely adorable to add to the amazingness of this movie. To all of those looking for a cute, calming movie to put on this winter break, My Neighbor Totoro is the movie for you.

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