
How I Keep In Touch With Friends I Never See

Submitted by Will Chen

As a college student, I have grown up with many friends, some of whom I do not get to see often. Graduating high school was an emotional time as the people I grew up with would soon go down their own paths and live their own lives. Three years into college, it is now apparent that maintaining the connections grown throughout the years of middle and high school would require effort. I do not get to see some of my closest friends for months. However, each time I see them in person, it is as if we haven’t spent even a day apart. This is thanks to our efforts in keeping our friendships alive. 

To catch up with them, I would often FaceTime them and have long conversations about life updates. This face-to-face virtual conversation provides a healing space for our friendship. It allows us to maintain contact with each other. Whenever I needed emotional support, I knew that my friends would be there for me, even if they were thousands of miles away. With the mechanism of FaceTime, people can save themselves from fading friendships.

Another way I am able to keep in touch with my friends is through food. Although each of us attends different universities, we are able to catch ourselves back in our hometown at the same time thanks to holiday breaks. To take advantage of the short window we are near each other, I reach out to them and ask to grab a quick meal. There is nothing in the world that can build relationships like eating some delicious food. The deepest conversations I have ever had with my friends would be when we are out together dining at a restaurant.

Although this may seem silly at first, sending funny videos or memes to one another is a way to make sure you and your friends can stay in touch with one another. As part of a younger generation, each one of us uses social media daily. There is nothing more satisfying than opening up Instagram and seeing your friend DM’d you a funny video. Sharing a good laugh with one another is a major reason people are friends with each other. Being able to do that through social media is a privilege that our generation gets to experience. We should make sure to take advantage of this technological innovation and use it to strengthen our distant relationships. 

I am sure none of us want to lose our friends. We only have so long to live. Each day, I strive to make sure I never forget those who I grew up with as they make me the person I am today. I hope you are able to take something away from this article and reach out to your distant friends and family whenever you get the chance. 

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