
Food That Remind Me of Home

Submitted by Kayla Yap

Food is really important to me in my household, and after being in college the past couple of years, it really made me realize how much I miss my family, but whenever I feel this way there are some foods that bring me back. 

Most of the time, any type of Filipino food would always remind me of home. Since my family is Filipino, my mom and dad would always make these dishes for us almost every day, but when I’m on campus I typically don’t have the time to make these dishes. Sometimes I’ll just go to the local Asian market to pick up some Filipino brands for a little piece of home. I know recently my sister asked for two tubs of Tinola and Chicken Pork Adobo, two of my mom’s staple Filipino dishes, because she was missing the food a lot. 

Besides these dishes, Asian snacks typically remind me of home because of the way my parents and I would bond over the snacks. Like if there was salt and vinegar chicharron in my pantry my dad and I would always race to see who would get it first. Or if there is any sweet snack my mom and I would always split it. Most Filipino and Asian snacks give me that piece of home whenever I am homesick. Even though I can get this food whenever I want when I am at home, it really is nice having it every once and a while here at school when I need a piece of home.

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