
A Letter to My Past and Future Self

Submitted by Jodie Li

Dear Past and Future Me,

     I sit down to write this letter currently at the age of 20 years, 6 months, and 26 days. I find myself in a moment of reflection, caught between the memories of my past and the expectations of my future. At 20 years old, I stand on the threshold of adulthood as well as feeling like a child. I have thoughts of unrealistic dreams of the future like a child, but harsh realities headed my adult life. However,

To my past self,

     You have come a long way, you have gone through a lot that has changed you for the better. However, you still have a lot to work on. I miss the motivation, productiveness, energy, and logical ways you once had I won’t lie. You always had the power to move forward and work hard. Over time, you burned yourself out though, and lost yourself a little. I know that sounds discouraging, but trust me, everything happens for a reason. In the times you notice that you are getting tired, I want you to know, that it is okay to give yourself a break because speaking as your 20-year-old self, you will lose yourself from not listening to that. Instead of giving myself comfort and rest, I went out looking for others to give me that and that got nowhere but me getting hurt and trying to get validation from others I wouldn’t give myself. So, learn to trust your path, your timing, and your strengths before everything is dependent on others’ beliefs of your life. 

     Nonetheless, you are still standing, still moving forward. Remember the challenges you faced, the moments of doubt and uncertainty? They shaped you and molded you into the person you are today. Embrace every experience, both the triumphs and the setbacks, they will all play a part in your journey. I want you to hold onto the memories, the laughter, and the tears. Cherish the friendships you’ve made along the way. Never forget where you came from, the lessons you’ve learned, and the values that guide you. And above all, be kind to yourself. You are worthy of love and happiness, just as you are.

To my future self,

     I have a lot of questions for you. I spend a lot of time thinking about you. Are you happy and living the city girl life you wanted or has that changed? I hope that you are happy, fulfilled, and living a life that brings you joy and meaning. Even though I am scared to think about you, I am excited as well. I know whatever comes across my path, I will be able to get through and I hope you will still have that same mindset. Don’t let the bad discourage you, I want you to keep moving. As I tell myself now, there is never a failure, just giving up before you can succeed. 

     Remember to stay true to yourself, to your dreams and aspirations. Never lose sight of what matters most to you, even when the world tries to pull you in a different direction. I hope that you continue to grow, to learn, to evolve into the best possible version of yourself. Never stop seeking knowledge, never stop pushing the boundaries of what you thought possible. And always remember to take care of yourself, both physically and mentally. You are stronger than you know, but you are not invincible. Reach out for help when you need it, and lean on your loved ones for support.


With love and hope,

Your 20-year-old self

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