
A Green Guide to Black Friday

Submitted by Maeve Nguyen

The season of deal-hunting and gift-giving frenzy is around the corner! After a year of sluggish economic activity and belt-tightening measures, this year’s Black Friday is to make a grand comeback that reminds us of the old normal shopping sprees. However, it also brings up a question of how to shop in an environmentally friendly manner. With the pandemic still being on the horizon, chances are that you will most likely make online purchases. Therefore, this article will give some tips to enjoy this holiday season without leaving an overwhelming amount of carbon footprints! 

1. Place a single order! 

Before browsing for gifts on websites, try to make a comprehensive list of gifts you want to purchase and possible retailers that sell them. This way, you can estimate the number of orders you need to make this holiday season. However, don’t stop there! Try to cut down on your estimated orders by placing a large order with multiple items. Doing so will not only save you some shipping costs, but also reduce the environmental impacts of delivery. 

2. Support small and local businesses

Another way to cut down on delivery distances (and costs) is to shop locally. Look around and see if there are affordable options in your neighborhood. You will be able to easily secure the items on your list earlier given the current supply chain disruptions and frustratingly slow delivery service during the peak holiday season. Not to mention that you are doing good deeds by providing support to small businesses in a time when they need customers like you the most! 

3. Look for sustainable brands 

You can also put efforts into going green by supporting eco-friendly and ethical brands during Black Friday. Purchasing products from these companies means that you are contributing to a larger trend of changing the manufacturing and production process towards sustainability. Furthermore, these items are usually more durable, meaning you are actually getting a high quality, long-lasting product at a discount! So, why not? 

4. How about … skipping Black Friday? 

No matter how much effort you put into making environmentally conscious purchases, the reality is that you are still leaving quite a great impact on the environment merely by the act of buying. Even though it is hard to resist the discounts offered during Black Friday, it doesn’t mean it is not possible. You can totally ignore substitutes on sale if you already have a durable and high quality option at home. So it all starts with changing your purchasing habits. Make more informed purchasing decisions that will benefit you in the long run, rather than chasing after a trend. Don’t impulse buy, but instead, think twice before adding anything to your cart. This mindset will definitely save you a lot of money and do good to the environment as well!

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