
My Best First Date Story

Submitted by Ruthie Suarez

It was the end of October, with Halloween just around the corner– and I was about to head out for my first date ever in my life. I had never gone on one before so I wasn’t sure what to expect. We decided to go to a movie theatre on Main Street to watch Five Nights at Freddy’s. As a big fan of the game franchise, I was super excited. 

He had offered to buy the tickets for both of us beforehand so we could get good seats. At this time, I was so nervous that I kept fidgeting in my seat and thinking about what to even talk about. Thankfully, he was very talkative. He always made sure I was okay and kept the conversation going. While watching the movie, I remember a scene where a cupcake with eyes jumpscares you. That literally made me come out of my seat! I swear–I didn’t even see it coming. He asked me if I was okay, as he looked at me unfazed. He didn’t even get scared! I guess I am easily startled like a cat.

Soon after, he pulled out a bag of Airhead Xtremes Bites candy and handed them to me. It was exactly what I needed to take my mind off the jumpy parts and help me relax. I am not fond of horror movies at all, especially if I am watching one in a movie theatre. We ended up sharing the candy while trying to laugh off how jumpy I was. Each time something happened on the screen, we’d share a look and joke about how we were not expecting this to be so inaccurate to the actual video game of Five Nights at Freddy’s. It was amusing nonetheless.

After the movie ended, we shared our thoughts about the film and decided to head home. Since it was the end of October, it was already starting to get chilly outside. I was only in a short-sleeve shirt so I was freezing! He saw and offered me his jacket and he walked me back to my dorm. 

The little things and moments we both shared on this first date were nothing but memorable. At the end of the night, I hoped that I would spend time with him again soon.

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